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Eat your way back to health and vitality with Nourish

Home: Welcome
Image by Ben White

A Unique Nourish Philosophy

We are at a time when health and nutrition has gained mainstream popularity, all those fads and fictions are all the more prominent.  Consequently, we need qualified professionals with the ability to teach and the experience to understand the real struggles that people face.  Getting to grips with nutrition has the ultimate power to dramatically improve your health. Simple yet powerful, a good diet and lifestyle can change your life hugely from having better energy to gaining a better nights sleep.  From improved IBS symptoms to better behaved hormones! The list goes on.  I will show you how to make the right changes without confusion, restriction, or breaking the bank.




What You Need

Image by Joshua Ness

One to One consultation packages

In clinic or Skype/Facetime etc

Healthy Breakfast

Diet MOT

In clinic or Skype/facetime etc

Image by Markus Spiske

What my clients say

"Having suffered a bout of food poisoning some 25 years ago I was left with many stomach related issues and food intolerances which were only getting worse.  On first meeting with Louise I finally felt I was being heard and that there was hope.  I have seen many of my symptoms improve and am able to leave the house without apprehension and am finally enjoying my food again." 


"Louise is caring and understanding.  I now understand why I was having a problem with my skin.  It has all cleared up now and I feel amazing!"


ā€œIt is far more important to know what person the disease has, than what disease the person has.ā€ 


Contact me

Would you like to know more information? Ā Would you like to know how I can help you? Ā 
Please contact me using this form, drop me an email of give me a phone call. I look forward to hearing from you.

The Treatment Room
Oxley Sports Centre
Dorset DT9 3DA

07538 686092

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